Automotive News and Vehicle Tuning Insights
What are the Downsides of Electric Cars?
On May 2, 2022, the Biden Administration announced it would begin a $3.1 billion plan to increase domestic manufacturing of batteries to help the U...
What Are the Symptoms of a Bad ECM?
BenchForce explains what an ECM is, describes how it operates, and highlights what symptoms to look for when there may be a problem.
Could a Ban on Gasoline-Powered Cars Ever Happen in the U.S.?
BenchForce, a leader in automotive bench programming components, looks at the current automotive landscape, the pros and cons of EVs, and the likelihood of a ban on gas-powered vehicles.
Gasoline vs. Diesel Fuel: Advantages and Disadvantages of Both
BenchForce digs into the key differences between diesel and gasoline, weighs the pros and cons of each, and aims to determine why diesel might sometimes get a bad rap.
How do I know if this programming harness will work for me?
How do I know if this programming harness will work for me?
One question we get once in a while from our customers is “How do I know if this harness will work for me?” There are a few ways that you can determine this.
BenchForce™: A Visual History
Welcome to BenchForce™: A visual history. We will be showing you step by step a visual history of our products from their first incarnation all the way to our current lineup. Our modular approach is the most cost-effective, simplified way we can offer these solutions to our customers.
Are you a dyno tuner looking to make your job easier?
Are you a tuner that is looking to make your job easier? Check out our full lineup at to get started with bench programming.
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Program Transmission Controllers (TCM) as standalone on the Bench
We offer TCM programming harnesses for several of the most popular transmission control modules on the market today.
Ford 6.0L Diesel and Matching FICM for sale NOW
New harnesses are available! 2003-2007 6.0L Ford Diesel anf the FICM for the same model year range. Check them out in the Harnesses section now.
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